About the young copywriters’ creativity in 2013.

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European Month of Photography.

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Mobile apps backstage.

The App & Mobile Case Study Book.   One thing is reassuring in this bible on the Mobile Revolution published by Taschen: popular (and commercial) successes of apps owe much to the content and the form of them, and their usefulness for people.    But even from a well-designed site with great …

Big idea is not a big idea.

  In Belgium, advertisers often ask the BIG IDEA to the creatives. A claim. Just three words. Just do it. Coca-Cola uses even only one: happiness. We forget that a single word tells nothing, and nothing becomes even negative when associated with something people want us to buy. Brands invest to …

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Campaign for the aged workers

    Today, a 50 years old woman is still young and even flourished. A man is more active than hos parents or grandparents were at his age. All act and think generally as if they had only 40 and see themselves easily well shaped at 80. With the life …

SPF emploi Belgium

Awareness campaign against the prejudices towards the old workers. Press ad and TV film (end of 2012). Selling the concept of old age with an ad slogan, necessarily reductive, will not affect anyone. Instead of telling people: « old people are great » (non credible), we’ve launch the debate with a fact we …

The best advertising is not advertising.

Over sought, we haven’t no more time to spend in useless, not interesting or no fun choices. The mobility and the access to the Internet services transform our conception of work, leisure, rest. An intelligent brand will propose to the consumer new You fruity on for louis vuitton purses out …