Comments on girls’ blogs and boys’ in 2015!

Boulet, a french cartoonist, has made an interesting experience : he opened a blog signed as he was a girl. He was amazed to see that the comments on his « girly » blog were far different from all those he was used to when he draws and writes on his boy’s blog. He tells …

Journal de bord du XXXXL Lilù.

J-1 avant le départ. Le cobra a des fourmis dans les pattes. Suivez en live les pérégrinations du sac grandiose et XXL que rien n’arrête. Où va-t-il? Qui rencontrera-t-il? Rentrera-t-il? A suivre chaque jour sur la page Facebook de Lilù. Jour 0. Embarquement pour 16 heures de vol. Pourvu que …

Les petits commandeurs, Le Seuil.

The small commanders, Seuil Editions. The book drawn by Camille and written by Valérie Larrondo will be available in every good bookshops from next Wednesday! Congratulations to the huge talented duo.      Clic on the images!    

3Suisses back on TV.

The new 3Suisses film campaign is on air. Three new stories of creative women, to launch the summer fashion collection, see GOATS, DOG, OFFICE. We continues to rebuild the 3Suisses brand, after the first films and online videos of the launch of the new 3Suisses brand positioning, last year. To see …

A new identity for Club.

Club, the family bookstore now has a new friend, the owl of Standaard Boekhandel. Together, they rebuild a strong brand that understands the life of people and helps to live more intensely through stories.      

Smartablo, smart client.

  Emailing 2015. The latest technology in mobile’s leasing. Please clic on the visual. Smartablo  is the first leasing system for high quality smartphones and tablets. In a click, you enjoy the latest technology without investing. You monthly rent the unit of your choice from current trends – models evolve in real time. You change when you want and the mobile is exchanged easily and quickly if any problem. Find out how to stay ahead here.  

Typos stories.

  12 shorts films about typographie, imagined by Thomas Sipp for France Culture.Nice.            

BD in GIF it’s magic.

Stephen Vuillemin drawns animated BD. His images are ont only beautiful, there are alive. This French artist works in London. His compositions include opulent palettes, where sci-fi meets fashion and lifestyle, on a sometimes vulgar, sometimes grandiose mode. His client list includes: the New-York Times, GQ Magazine, The Atlantic, Arte…  To see his great story about teenage girls, you have to register on the website of Professeur Cyclope, but it’s worth.         Stephen Vuillemin dessine des BD animées sous forme de GIFs. Ses images sont non seulement d’un graphisme rafraîchissant, mais elles prennent réellement vie tant le ton est juste et le sens de l’observation affûté. Cet …