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Creation and graphic design of a tourist card to discover a town unknowned without a single word. Bon welcomes new arrivals and people of foreign origin of Belgium in order to help them to integrate the region. The objective is to contribute to social cohesion. Playful, I work showing cheap …

To communicate a content without a single word?

  How to invite people to discover a town and a culture unknowned to those who aren’t able to speak the langage of the country? How to pass a content on without writing or pronounce a sigle word?  Bon welcomes new arrivals and people of foreign origin of Belgium in order to …

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Myself as a Facebook link.

To share, yes, but what? Sharing, liking, forwarding… emptyness, narcicism, private jokes. Talking with my teen, who yet looks more than ever for the exchange with his parents, often supposes: « Look, Mom! Wouarf Wouarf Wouarf! » in front of an Ipod Touch screen that shows two guys farting. In short, I become myself, without wanting it, a Facebook link instead of engaging a conversation. A survey tells that the teens need to exist on social networks to built themselves by now, and not by opposing his parents anymore*. OK. But after adolescence? Is there any excuse to remain sharing banalities ? …

Share books in Brussels too.

While we were talking here about sharing and showing a british example, boxes of books were hung up in Bruxelles, as that box in Ixelles. To see on a nice very belgian blog. Maybe sharing will save the world, if we listen to the American visionary Jeremy Rifkin, economist, writer, …

The wide spread of the brands.

We meet each day more than 3000 brands. Solicited from all sides, but with a storage capacity limited to four per sector, our western brain is less and less available. Moreover, just as if we reject the father’s authority, we kill brands in order to emancipate ourselves from their grasp. …