Individual stories to explore the collective experience.

  Our relationships to both photography and the idea of the personal narrative have significantly changed in recent years, due in large part to the markedly increasing accessibility of information and the shifting concepts of space, time, and location brought about by new technologies. We share our personal stories in real …

New client for 1kilo3.

  For five years, the elegant Lilù handbags succeed in hands of women who love the sensual touch of leather that ages beautiful. This Belgian brand of handmade bags offers two new collections a year, whose creations are personnalisable. Clearly, YOUR Lilù bag does not exist yet, stored in a shed among other …

My mason was illustrator.

How to rehabilitate the work of graphicdesigners ? How to sell an idea, a composition, a logo at a fair price? Télérama tells since July the anger of French designers – the Belgians do not think less but seem quieter as usual. The organization of pitches often shows an incredible …

Every lifes talk about life.

The Théatre de la Vie is a human, sweet and cool theater near the Botanic, in the center of Bruxelles. Created by Herbert and Nicole Rolland Dumez, the Theater is built for over 40 years and has always preferred working with the actors for a Flexible hair clarifying fine …

New lamp for Philips. New stop motion for 1kilo3.

After the Nick Knack las year, Lirio has designed a so cute new lamp, the Piculet. A baby woodpecker who lives its own life, a character who doesn’t want to be kept in a box. We’ve mixed photos and illustrations in order to install a poetic universe to tell the small story …

Cogito 2013.

   Flyer 2013. Like last year, the Cogito coaches are ready to boost the disapointed students. The 2013 campaign, created by 1kilo3, targets parents and students (from primary school to university) via radio, banners, postal and e-mailings and flyers campus. Without taking themselves seriously, but with real insights and strong …

The value of content Marketing.

From NewsCred. From boosting your brand to fueling the social web, content is a powerful tool, critical to creating successful campaigns and building your business. Here are some statistics which prove the value of content marketing. 72% of marketers think branded content is more effective than advertising in a magazine, …

Identité Théatre de la Vie.

Bringing the teater of the life back to life. We are very excited and proud to have a new client: Le « Théatre de la Vie », rue Traversière in Brussels. A theater rooted in reality and humanity. The friendly staff of the Director, Peggy Thomas, wakes it up with intelligence and …

What is the use of math?

  Another embarrassing question and La Libre Belgique newspaper of the 22th of May gives two answers – in french only, sorry. In short: Math develops essential mental gymnastic. Geometry allows us to understand the space around us. Then, students graduating in math succeed better than others, even in literary courses. …

Parent’s exam.

How to convince a kid to learn by heart what he can find in one clic away on the internet? It’s exams time and parents have to face their part of difficult questions too. Why learning? How to learn? And moreover, what is learning? The first answer is an another …

Responsive mobile.

Mobile is becoming the primary way to search information. And if the consumer can not find what he looks for on his smartphone, when he looks for it, wherever he is, he will certainly forget to get back to it later, on his computer or another device. If he has found it, he often will go on at home on his tablet or computer. So it’s important for a brand to define a clear and relevant message to communicate, but also a message that can be read on all screen sizes – and on all brands of smartphones, computers, etc.. …