
1kilo3 currently co-works with two structures, Witloof Production and Hypercut, and that’s fun. We all drink green tea since Virginie has arrived. Paola doesn’t have the time to take off his coat in the morning, Fred Van Hoof jumps on her when she comes in to ask help on animation programs. In return, he gives her names of underground techno music groups. Germain, François and Gaetan wake

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up the babyfoot regularly. Come and have a coffee whenever you want at 269 Avenue de la Couronne, in Ixelles. WTF is on the window (you can’t forget it).

Beside 1kilo3, Fred De Loof and Paola Hricovini realize commercials and videos. Germain Caillet is cameraman and editor, François Fontaine cameraman and journalist, and Gaëtan Hoyois loves special effects.

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